paying attention to texts and words that are relevant in mentality
Another thought in this context is important: Mentality - this not
only means the thinking and feeling of bigger collectives but also
of smaller groups in between this collective. So, when we describe
the diaristics of certain persons of contemporary history under
certain political conditions, we interpret mentalities as a mirror
of social und cultural experiences in the context of a special
living world.
We are now going to reconstruct three types of diaristics, the
diaries of Willi Graf and Ulrich von Hassell on the one side - they
are examples for two versions of dissident diaristics under the
condition of Nazi totalitarism; and on the other side, the diary of
Victor Klemperer - a type of diaristics first under conditions of
persecution and oppression, then under the condition of adjustment -
you find the disposition on the screen.
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